“ohm” Brand Identity

Rooftop gardens have many benefits, such as improved air quality, insulation, wildlife habitats, and a close food source. This company adds one more advantage, and that is electrical power from plants.

ohm offers its product to urban city planners as (literally) a green option to use in constructing new buildings.

The sun gives life to the plants and thus creates power so, the colors of the sunrise were chosen to represent that vitality.

The typeface; Myriad Pro was chosen because its round shape gives a peaceful feeling like when you watch the sunrise while meditating.

The name of the company, “ohm,” is a play on words; 1. ohm - a measurement of electrical resistance and 2. “om” what you would say while meditating. If this play on words is not obvious, the company tagline, “plant power,” makes it clear.

Pitch Presentation



Face Yourself Brand


BackPack Brand