Magazine Covers

Project 1: The Fox Magazine

For this project, our team was approached by The Fox Magazine with a challenge to update their existing magazine cover and logo to provide a more professional and visually appealing aesthetic. To accomplish this, we created a variety of bright and colorful options for the logo, focusing on clean shapes and a more professional appearance. We also made sure to give the cover more depth by placing the subject in front of the background. Through our careful and thoughtful design choices, we were able to deliver a final product that not only met but exceeded the client's expectations. Our team is proud to have worked with The Fox Magazine and we look forward to future opportunities to create engaging and visually stunning designs.

Project 2: The Fox Magazine

Challenge: Create magazine cover concepts for an issue featuring the infusion of cannabis with food.

Solution: Create unique food and cannabis combination covers that grab attention through illustration and image.


Poster Designs


TSFAP Application Design